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09864032319 , 09678176577 datacomes@gmail.com

Course Name:Linux System & Network Administration( level 2)

Course Duration(in normal mode):6 months

Course Duration(in fast track mode):3 months

Course Fees:call or whatsapp at 9864032319/9678176577

                           or mail us at datacomes@gmail.com


Linux Essential

1) Introduction
2) Evolution of Linux
Linux Installation
Installation covers most flavors of Linux distribution such as Red hat Linux and Fedora Linux and Suse Linux
1) First Stage: Starting the Installation
2) First Stage: Boot Media
3) Accessing the Installer
4) First Stage: Installation Method
5) Network Installation Server
6) Second Stage: Installation Overview
7) Configuring File Systems
8) Advanced Partitioning
9) Package Selection
10) First Boot: Post-Install Configuration
11) Starting a Kickstart Installation
12) Anatomy of a Kickstart File
Linux System Administration – Managing Startup
Command line:
1) Introduction to Bash Shell
2) Basic Commands (ls,cd,tail,cat,mkdir)
3) Commands to work with file(mv,cp,rm)
4) Text editor (vim)
5) Stream text editor (grep, sed, and awk)
7) Compression Tar,gzip and bzip2
8) Easily accessible tools in linux.
System Initialization
1) Boot Sequence Overview
2) Troubleshooting boot issues
3) What is GRUB and grub.conf
4) Starting the Boot Process: GRUB
5) Kernel Initialization
6) init Initialization (init 0,1,2,3,4,5)
7) Run Levels
8) /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

9) /etc/rc.d/rc
10) System V run levels
11) /etc/rc.d/rc.local
12) Controlling Services(service,init.d,chkconfig)
Booting and run levels
1) The boot process: from BIOS to kernel then to user space
2) Setting kernel parameters
3) Run levels and init scripts
4) Configuring services to run at boot
5) Securing single-user mode (su login)
6) Shutting down and rebooting the system
Package Management – Working with packages>
1) RPM Package Manager
2) Installing and Removing Software
3) Updating a Kernel RPM
4) rpm Queries
5) rpm Verification
6) About yum
7) Using yum
8) Searching packages/files
9) Configuring Additional Repositories
10) Creating a private repository
11) Red Hat Network
12) Red Hat Network Server
13) Entitlements
14) Red Hat Network Client
Kernel Services – Configuring the kernel
1) The Linux Kernel
2) Kernel Images and Variants
3) Kernel Modules
4) Kernel Module Utilities
5) Managing the initrd Image
6) Accessing Drivers Through /dev
7) Device Node Examples
8) Managing /dev With udev
9) Adding Files Under /dev
10) Kernel Configuration With /proc
11) /proc Examples
12) sysctl : Persistent Kernel Configuration
13) Exploring Hardware Devices (hwinfo)
14) Monitoring Processes and Resources(kill,ps,pstree,top)
System Services – Linux System Services
1) Network Time Protocol
2) System Logging

3) syslog Configuration
4) XOrg: The X11 Server
5) XOrg Server Configuration
6) XOrg in runlevel 3
7) XOrg in runlevel 5
8) Remote X Sessions
9) SSH: Secure Shell
10) VNC: Virtual Network Computing
11) cron
12) Controlling Access to cron
13) System crontab Files
14) Daily Cron Jobs
15) The anacron System
16) CUPS
User Administration
1) Adding a New User Account
2) User Private Groups
3) Modifying / Deleting User Accounts
4) Group Administration
5) Password Aging Policies
6) Switching Accounts
7) sudo
8) Network Users
9) Authentication Configuration
10) Example: NIS Configuration
11) Example: LDAP Configuration
12) SUID and SGID Executables
13) SGID Directories
14) The Sticky Bit
15) Default File Permissions
16) Access Control Lists (ACLs)
17) SELinux
18) SELinux: Targeted Policy
19) SELinux: Management
File system Management
1) Adding New File systems to the File system Tree
2) Device Recognition
3) Disk Partitioning
4) Managing Partitions
5) Making Filesystems
6) Difference between ext3 and ext4
7) Filesystem Labels
8) tune2fs
9) Mount Points and /etc/fstab
10) Mounting Filesystems with mount
11) Unmounting Filesystems

12) mount By Example
13) Handling Swap Files and Partitions
14) Mounting NFS Filesystems
15) Automounter
16) Direct Maps
17) gnome-mount
18) Checking available free space and space used by files (df,du)
19) Checking and correcting the integrity of filesystems (fsck)
File system security
1) Users and groups
2) The ‘root’ user or superuser
3) Changing file ownership (chown)
4) Changing file group ownership (chgrp)
5) Permissions on files
6) Permissions on directories
7) How permissions are applied
8) Changing permissions (chmod)
Filesystem concepts and use
1) The unified UNIX filesystem
2) Special file types
3) Symbolic links (ln -s)
4) Inodes and directory entries
5) Hard links
6) Preserving links while copying and archiving
Processes and jobs
1) What processes are ?
2) The properties of a process
3) Parent processes and child processes
4) Killing processes and sending signals to a process (kill, killall, xkill)
Advanced File system Management
1) Configuring the Quota System
2) Setting Quotas for Users
3) Reporting Quota Status
4) What is Software RAID?
5) Software RAID Configuration
6) Software RAID Testing and Recovery
7) What is Logical Volume Manager (LVM)?
8) Creating Logical Volumes
9) Resizing Logical Volumes
10) Logical Volume Manager Snapshots
11) Using LVM Snapshots
12) Archiving tools: tar
13) Archiving Tools: dump/restore
14) Archiving Tools: rsync:

Linux Network Administration – Managing Network
Network Setup and Configuration
1) Network Interfaces
2) Driver Selection
3) Speed and Duplex Settings
4) IPv4 Addresses
5) Dynamic IPv4 Configuration
6) Static IPv4 Configuration
7) Device Aliases
8) Routing Table
9) Default Gateway
10) Configuring Routes
11) Verify IP Connectivity
12) Defining the Local Host Name
13) Local Resolver
14) Remote Resolvers
15) Verify DNS Connectivity
16) Network Configuration Utilities
17) Transparent Dynamic Configuration
18) Implementing IPv6
19) IPv6: Dynamic Interface Configuration
20) IPv6: Static Interface Configuration
21) IPv6: Routing Configuration
22) New and Modified Utilities
Basic networking configuration
1) Configure a network device to connect to a local network
2) Configure a network device to connect to a wide-area network
3) Communicate between subnets within a single network
4) Configure a network device to implement authentication
5) Configuring a multi- homed network device
6) Resolving networking and communication problems
7) /sbin/route
8) /sbin/ifconfig
9) /bin/netstat
10) /bin/ping
11) /sbin/arp
12) /usr/sbin/arpwatch
13) /usr/sbin/tcpdump
14) /usr/sbin/lsof
15) /usr/bin/nc

Troubleshooting network issues
1) ifconfig
2) route
3) netstat
4) /etc/network and /etc/sysconfig/network – scripts/
5) System log files
6) ping
7) /etc/resolv.conf
8) /etc/hosts
9) /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
10) /etc/hostname and /etc/HOSTNAME
11) traceroute
12) nslookup and dig
13) dmesg
Organizing Networked Systems
1) Host Name Resolution
2) DNS-Specific Resolvers
3) Trace a DNS Query with dig
4) Exploring DNS with host
5) Service Profile: DNS
6) Getting Started with BIND
7) bind-chroot Package
8) caching-nameserver Package

Network File Sharing Services
1) NFS server and NFS Client
2) NFS share for group collaboration
1) Samba server and samba client connections
2) Samba share for group collaboration

Linux Server Administration – Managing Servers
Mail server – Sendmail Configuration
1) Managing sendmail
2) E-mail aliases
3) Mail quotas
4) Virtual mail domains
5) Configuring internal mail relays
6) Monitoring SMTP servers
7) /etc/aliases
8) sendmail.cw

DNS – BIND configuration
1) Configure BIND to function as a caching-only DNS server
2) Configure a caching-only name server to forward DNS queries
3) Format, and reload the DNS by using kill or ndc
4) Configuring DNS logging
5) Configuring BIND options
6) Configuring directory location for zone files
7) /etc/named.conf
8) /usr/sbin/ndc
9) /usr/sbin/named-bootconf
10) kill
Web Proxy – Squid Configuration
1) Install a proxy server using Squid
2) Configure a proxy server using Squid
3) Implementing access policies
4) Setting up authentication
5) Utilizing memory usage
6) Squid.conf
7) acl
8) http_access
DHCP configuration
1) What is DHCP?
2) Static hosts
3) Dynamic hosts
4) dhcpd.conf
5) dhcpd.leases
Web server – Apache Configuration
1) Apache Overview
2) Apache Server Configuration
3) Virtual Hosts
4) Apache Access Configuration
5) Deploy a basic CGI application
6) Configure group-managed content
7) Configure private directories
8) Monitoring Apache load and performance
9) Restricting client user access
10) Configuring mod_php and PHP support
11) Setting up client user authentication
12) Configuring Apache server options
13) access. log
14) .htaccess
15) httpd.conf
16) htpasswd
Linux Security Administration

Security tasks
1) Auditing source code
2) Securing SSH
3) Getting security alerts
4) Open mail relays
5) Installing Intrusion Detection Systems
6) Port scanning with nmap
7) Firewall using IP Tables
8) Filter and NAT Rules
9) SMTP Overview and Implementations
10) Connections and Relays
12) Password Security and PAM
13) Security Considerations
14) Activating and Interfacing with SELinux
15) SELinux commands and Roles
16) Location & Access
17) Boot level security (GRUB)
18) Security need for TCP wrappers
19) /etc/inetd.conf
20) /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
21) xinetd
22) Net filter Overview
23) Rules: General Considerations
24) Connection Tracking
25) Network Address Translation (NAT)
26) IP tables
27) /proc/sys/net/ipv4
Introduction to Shell Script
1) Different type of shell
2) Shell scrtip basics
3) Executing shell scripts.
4) Header,comments on script
5) Redirection
6) Vairables
7) Conditions
8) Loops
9) Eg: Backup script and scheduling the script
1) Configure a system as an iSCSI initiator that persistently mounts an iSCSI target


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