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09864032319 , 09678176577 datacomes@gmail.com

Course Name:Certificate in JAVA Programming

Course Duration: 2 month

Course Fees:7,000

A. Getting Started with Java 
1. Introduction to Java
2. Hello World Program in Java
B. Java Fundamentals 
3. Keyword and Identifiers in Java
4. Data Types in Java
5. Variables in Java
6. Integral Type Data Types in Java
7. Floating Point Data Types in Java
8. Boolean Data Type in Java
9. Char Data Type in Java
10. Strings in Java
11. Operators in Java
C. Control Structure 
12. Flow of Control in Java
13. Decision Making Statements (if, if-else, if-elseif-elseif-else, switch) in Java
14. Loops (for, while, do-while) in Java
15. Break, Continue and Nested Loops in Java
D. Classes and Objects 
16. Introduction to Java Classes and Java Objects in Java
17. Writing Java Classes
E. Methods and Constructors 
18. Understanding Java Methods
19. Arguments and Parameters in Java
20. Call by Value in Java
21. Method Overloading or Overloading Methods in Java
22. Java Constructors
F. Understanding Inheritance 
23. Inheritance in Java
24. Single Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance in Java
25. Method Overriding in Java
26. this, super and final Keywords in Java
G. Advanced Java Language Concepts 
27. Java Packages
28. Namespaces in Java Package
29. import Keyword in Java
30. Access Specifiers in Java
31. Encapsulation in Java
32. Static Members and Non-Static Members in Java
33. Static Initializer in Java
34. Instance Initializer in Java
H. Polymorphism and Abstraction 
35. Polymorphism in Java
36. instanceof Keyword in Java
37. Polymorphic Parameters in Java
38. Virtual Methods in Java
39. Abstract Class in Java
40. Abstract Method in Java
I. Collection and Array
41. Collection in Java
42. Array in Java
43. Two and Multidimensional Array in Java
44. Array of References (Class) in Java
45. arraycopy in Java
46. Heterogeneous Collection in Java
47. Vector Class in Java
48. Hashtable Class in Java
J. Interfaces 
49. Interface in Java
50. Extending Interface, Extending Multiple Interfaces in Java
51. Declaring Fields in Interface
K. Exception Handling 
52. Exception Handling in Java
53. Catching Exception with try-catch block in Java
54. Multiple catch Block in Java
55. Checked Exception and Handle or Declare Rules and using throws Keyword in Java
56. throws and throw Keywords in Java
57. finally Keyword in Java
58. User Defined Exception in Java
L. Introduction to GUI Programming 
59. Introduction to GUI Programming (AWT and Swing) in Java
60. Creating Window using AWT Frame class in Java
61. Creating Window using Swing JFrame class in Java
62. Containers and Components in Java
63. Layout Managers in Java
64. FlowLayout Manager in Java
65. BorderLayout Manager in Java
66. Panel in Java
67. GridLayout Manager in Java
68. BoxLayout Manager in Java
69. No Layout or Null Layout Manager in Java
M. GUI Components and Event Handling
70. Introduction to Event Handling and Delegation Model in Java
71. Mouse Event and Mouse Listener in Java
72. EventAdapter Classes in Java
73. Item Event and Item Listener in Java
74. Mouse Wheel Event and Mouse Wheel Listener in Java
75. Key Event and Key Listener in Java
76. Text Event and Text Listener in Java
77. Adjustment Event and Adjustment Listener in Java
78. Window Event and Window Listener in Java
79. Component Event and Component Listener in Java
80. Container Event and Container Listener and Container Adapter in Java
81. Focus Event and Focus Listener in Java
82. AWT List in Java
83. Swing JList in Java
84. Swing Combo Boxes in Java
85. JMenuBar in Java
M. Applets 
86. Introduction to Applet in Java
87. Applet Class in Java and Running Applet in NetBeans
88. Applet in Java using Command Line
89. Life Cycle of an Applet in Java
90. JApplet in Java
91. Applet Tag and Param Tag in Java
92. Applet Context in Java
93. Display Image on Applet and Draw String on Applet in Java
94. Playing Audio on Applet in Java
N. Packaging and Deployment 
95. Introduction to JAR Files in Java
96. Creating JAR File using Command Line
97. Creating JAR File using NetBeans and Running it from Command Line in Java
98. Introduction to Deployment of Java Application
99. Creating and Distributing Executable JAR Files

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